- Addressing the Mental Health Impact of Violence and Trauma on Children: Congressional Issue Brief and Briefing Packet (October 11, 2011)
Interpersonal Abuse
- Addressing the Trauma of Intimate Partner Violence on College Campuses (September 2010)
- Violated: Rights of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Victims – a special art advocacy collection to highlight rights violated in a failed court system (April 2010)
Following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, a program called “After the Crisis” that was co-sponsored by the National GAINS Center for Systemic Change for Justice-Involved Persons and the National Center for Trauma-Informed Care (previously the Center for Women, Violence and Trauma) through the Center for Mental Health Services, SAMHSA/DHHS. The program supported the creation of white papers and issue briefs that were intended to identify problems in planning, preparedness, and response, and to offer possible strategies for improvement.
- Addressing the Traumatic Impact of Disasters on Individuals, Families, and Communities
- Criminal Justice System Issue Brief
- Peer Support Issue Brief
- Trauma and Retraumatization Issue Brief
- Victims of Violence Issue Brief
- Congressional Call to Action on Trauma (2006)
- Trauma is the Common Denominator – Healing is the Common Goal – a background paper on the nature and impact of trauma and promising approaches to healing (2007)